Canadian Man Gets Ticket For The Oddest Thing.

Canadian Man Gets The Worst Type Of Criticism.

Apparently in Canada cops are now using their powers to go a step further than the common traffic citation or emergency. Taoufik Moalla a Montreal Driver, found out the hard way that Montreal Police are not a fan of  “Gonna Make You Sweat” by C+C Music Factory, or at least not Moalla’s rendition of it.

Moalla was driving and singing along to “Gonna Make You Sweat” when a Police Officer pulled him over. He initially couldn’t figure out why, as he had been following all the traffic laws and his vehicle papers were all in order. So it came as a big surprise when the Officer told him he was getting a ticket for Screaming in Public.

“I don’t know if my voice was very bad and that’s why I got the ticket, but I was very shocked,” Moalla said.”

According to Canadian Laws Screaming in Public breaks the peace and tranquility law and a first offender can get a fine from $50 all the way up to $1000. Moalla received a ticket for $149 and I imagine the cop said something like “Don’t quit your day job.” Moalla plans to fight the ticket as he feels he didn’t do anything wrong. Appealing a Ticket in Canada is a long process and it could take Moalla up to a year, to get a hearing.

Moalla’s wife was unsympathetic about the incident: “if it was for singing, I’d have given him a ticket for $300.”

Watch the News Reel On The Incident.

Listen To The Video Below That Moalla Got In Trouble Over.

As Reported By CTV News

Moalla says he has done just that and is now waiting for a court date, which could come in as much as a year. Once in front of a judge, Moalla simply plans to recount how he got the ticket.

“Imagine if the Canadiens won a game,” he said. “All the fans are going to scream out of their cars. They’re going to sing. Are you going to give them all tickets?”

Moalla’s wife, however, said she wasn’t surprised that her husband’s vocals netted him a fine.

“She told me if it was for singing, I’d have given you a ticket for $300,” he said.