Breaking: Terrorist Knifes Nat’Geo Photographers. [Video]

A National Geographic couple was shopping in the town bazaar today, in Gabon’s Capitol, when they two were attacked by a man screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’. The man knifed the couple several times and later told police the attack was in retaliation for the “US attacks against Muslims and American recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli’s capital,”. 

The couple, who are Danish natives, worked as freelance photographers for National Geographics, are expected to survive. A conflicting report made stated that the woman was only injured while her male companion is in critical condition.


The extremist is blaming Trump specifically for his attack on the unsuspecting couple. It should be noted that the last several presidents have promised to recognize Jerusalem as Israeli’s capital and Trump is the only one to hold true to that promise. It should also be said that these attacks are a way of life for some and the attacker’s words are empty gargle made by a person prepared to kill for whatever reason that suits him. I’m sure that IF mainstream media picks this story up they’re likely to spin it otherwise.

This story is still unfolding.


As Reported By AFP with The Times Of Israel:

“According to the first testimonies at the scene, the assailant, a 53-year-old Nigerien man, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (“God is Greatest”) during the attack. He was arrested on the spot,” said Massard.

The man, who has lived in Gabon for 19 years, “in his first statements said he acted in retaliation for US attacks against Muslims and America’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”

The two victims were sent to a hospital in the capital Libreville, one in a serious condition, government spokesman Alain-Claude Bilie By Nze told AFP.

The Danish foreign ministry confirmed two nationals had been “wounded in Gabon” without giving any further details.