Muslim Lawyer: Rape Is A “National Duty” Faces Prison Time [Video]

Jail Time For Pro-Rape Egyptian Lawyer.

In this Atmosphere of me too and women coming forward on a daily basis sex offenders and pro-rape enthusiasts like Egyptian Muslim Lawyer Nabih al-Wahsh, are facing punishments as they should. His whole opinion stems back to the controversy over ripped jeans and an anti-prostitution bill.

Wahsh goes on a rant where he feels that any woman that wears tight-fitting jeans that have rips in them deserve to be sexually harassed and raped.

“Are you happy when you see a girl walking with half of her bottom showing.”

“I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her.”

“What she is doing is a depravity.”

He then goes on to say is the kind of freedom we want? As if freedom is the enemy. The Muslim lawyer is trying to make a point about how he feels women dress too provocatively and he feels that since they do they should be punished for it. He is way off base and this video shows you why countries that take in Muslim refugees are having issues.

Luckily for all of the women in Egypt, Wahsh is going to be out of the limelight and in a cell, as he is heading for prison. The pro-rape enthusiast has been charged “with ‘publicly inciting to flout the law’ and ‘spreading with malice reports and statements meant to perturb public order… and harm the public interest’. ”

Nabih al-Wahsh was sentenced to 3 years in jail. Let’s see how this freedom hating pro-rape advocate does in prison.

Watch The Angry Pro Rapist Below.

Wahsh has said and done similarly shocking things before his pro-rape rant.

“The lawyer appeared on a talk show where he argued with an Australian imam about Muslim women wearing hijabs. The imam claimed wearing a hijab is choice and not a requirement for Muslim women.

Al-Wahsh disagreed with the imam and became irate. In a moment of anger, he took off one of his shoes and beat the imam on the head with it. Al-Wahsh has also denied the Holocaust and said he would kill Israelis, the BBC reported.”