Liberals Claim Trump Supporters Are Crazy But Think This Video Of Kamala Is Just Fine

There were reports that Kamala has hired some members of the former Obama administration to help improve her image as her bosses approval ratings bottom out.

She should probably fire them because things aren’t going well.

Liberals think that MAGA supporters are nuts but think behavior like this is perfectly normal; these people are completely out of touch.

What’s even more disturbing is that this is produced, like someone thought this was a good idea.

Oh, and there was more…

Like we said Democrats believe MAGA supporters are nuts but take a listen to the Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor of Arkansas…

But wait, there’s more…

Reminds me of one of my favorite videos.

Liberals claimed MAGA supporters having fun was crazy…

But think behavior like this is perfectly normal…

The third world is collapsing, there is a fuel shortage in the UK, prices are skyrocketing, shelves are getting empty, prices are going through the roof, Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan, Biden can’t pass a bill despite his party being in power, and this is your biggest complaint?

The video below is what the left are doing to our kids and it shows how deranged they are…”Trump Flag”